Category Tech Blogs

The application case of a mini pump in vacuum oven

The application case of a mini pump in vacuum oven Background information: Vacuum drying technology is a method of placing materials under vacuum negative pressure conditions to lower the boiling point of water. The boiling point of water at one…

Application of Miniature Pump in 3D Inkjet Printing Industry

Application of Miniature Pump in 3D Inkjet Printing Industry Background information Printing technology refers to imprinting different patterns, patterns and characters on specific carriers and fabrics in a certain way. The printing tools are divided into plate method and no…

Hilintec Gas Pulsation Elimination Technology

Gas Pulsation Elimination Technology 1.1 What is the pulsation of gas A common volumetric air pump is a mechanical air pump that uses periodic changes in the internal volume of the air pump to achieve gas inhalation and discharge. The…

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